Habits In Islam

Islam is concerned with the education of the individual and society by paying attention to habits, no matter how small they are. Allah Almighty said, “ So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” (verses 7 and 8 of Surat Az-Zalzalah). The Almighty said, “And the record [of deeds] will be placed [open], and you will see the criminals fearful of that within it, and they will say, ‘Oh, woe to us! What is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?’ And they will find what they did present [before them]. And your Lord does injustice to no one”. The Almighty Creator even urged His Prophet to pay attention to the purity of the body and clothing from the physical abomination and the purification of the soul from the mental abomination by abandoning abomination and idols, although the reader may think that the former is unrelated to the latter. The verses linked physical purity and spiritual purity to takbir and determination on the path of da’wah, saying: “ O you who covers himself [with a garment]. Arise and warn. And your Lord glorify. And your clothing purify. And uncleanliness(1) avoid.”

The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, also emphasized the need to increase good habits, no matter how small they are, and to stay away from bad habits, no matter how considered tiny. The prophet said: “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little.”. He even warned against despising the tiny bad deeds, without harsh scolding the sinners, but rather as a leader to survive the calamities of this world and the Hereafter. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Fear Allah wherever you are, follow a bad deed with a good deed and it will erase it, and behave with good character towards people.” The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family and companions and peace be upon him, said: “Guard yourself against the Hellfire, even with half of a date in charity. If one cannot find it, then with a kind word.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Beware of minor offences, like people who descend into the bottom of a valley. One comes with log after log until they bake their bread. Verily, when the one who persistently committed minor sins is taken to account for them, they will ruin him.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recommended to Abu Dharr al-Ghaffari (may Allah be pleased with him): “I instruct you to fear Allah in your private and public affairs. If you do a bad deed, then do a good deed. Do not ask anyone for anything, even if you drop your whip. Do not violate what is entrusted, and do not take a position as judge between two people.” All of these are what people have taken for granted in this time, and Allah is the one who helps us.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family and companions) said, “ The five (daily) prayers and from one Friday prayer to the (next) Friday prayer, and from Ramadhan to Ramadhan are expiations for the (sins) committed in between (their intervals) provided one shuns the major sins.” Adhering to perform obligatory prayers, which are repeated five times daily, the Friday prayers every week, and the fasting of Ramadan with faith will expiate minor sins.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) urged Muslims to clean their mouths with Miswak (tooth stick) before every prayer. The Prophet urged his companions to observe the nightly prayer of Witr (one Raka’a), he also urged sleeping in purity and urged adhkar (prays, du’as and remembrances) in various daily activities of Muslim individuals, all of which can be seen as habits that promote success; while these are Islamic devotions that encourage, assist, and promote success in this world and the hereafter.

(1) Specifically, idols or generally, bad conduct and morals.

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